Tuesday, April 19, 2011

40 + 3

So....still pregnant. Never been this pregnant before. I feel fine, the baby's doing great, but I'm ready to have a baby in my arms instead of in my belly! I was really hoping all that gravity from the full moon would help encourage Peanut to come join us...nope, the force that can move entire oceans has no effect on my child. Not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign...

All these months I've has it in my mind that Peanut would be born between Phoebe's birthday and the anniversary of her death. The closer we get to the 21st, the more unsettled I feel about it. I would really like for Peanut's birth and birthdays to be about celebrating him/her and not tied up with missing Phoebe.

Really trying to just be peaceful, connect with Peanut and remain open to letting things progress in their own time. Challenging....

I'm so ready to find out about Peanut!! Boy or girl? Who will he/she look like? How big? How long?

Have I mentioned I'm not good at waiting?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

39 + 2

Well, for the last several months I have been having a lot of people tell me they think I will have the baby "early." Let me just say...that is NOT a good thing to listen to! I bought into it, and was pretty sure Peanut would be here by now! Rachelle and Bennett were here last week for their Spring Break...what a GREAT time to have a baby! Nope, Peanut's not buying it. Still in there enjoying him/herself.

There was a ton of activity last week, lot of wiggling and squirming (there's really not enough room to full-on "kick" anymore!). So I thought, we must be getting ready for arrival!. Apparently that was Peanut saying "I'm happy right where I am and have no intention of leaving any time soon!"

I had an appointment with Kathi today. Weight is the same as last time (total weight gain = 19 lbs.), Baby's heart rate is 136, my blood pressure is 120/78, measuring 38 cm. All is good! I'm really not having Braxton-Hicks (not feeling them, anyway), no other changes. BUT Peanut's back has been along the right side for over 2 months, and sometime in the last 6 days has switched to the left. Phoebe did the same thing shortly before birth, so I'm taking that as a good sign!

Kathi's instructions for today: DON'T wait until the water breaks to call her. She thinks it may not happen until right before delivering. Call her when something changes, and she will plan to head over when contractions are 5-7 minutes apart. We'll see how that goes...they were erratic with Phoebe up until I was pushing. So if they're still bouncing around but APPROACHING 5-7 minutes, we'll give her a call. She doesn't want to miss this one!

Estimated due date is Saturday the 16th, and there is a Supermoon on Monday the 18th...I think this weekend is looking good!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well....timing is everything. After losing Phoebe, I knew I still wanted to have kids. And given that I'm not exactly a spring chicken, I knew we couldn't wait forever. Still...getting pregnant so quickly was quite a surprise! It took a little less than a year to get pregnant with Phoebe, so my plan was to start "keeping track" in the fall and see how things went. Surprise! Not so much. We conceived in late July/early August (my best guess is August 2 or 3).

Which brings us back to timing. I would not have chosen to be due in between the time Phoebe was born and when she died a month later. It makes it difficult to not constantly be making connections. When I have baby girl dreams, is that about Peanut or is it about Phoebe?

That's part of what this blog is about for me. I want to remember the details while they're fresh so I'm not trying a year later to pull some coherency out of the jumble of thoughts. And lets' face it, Mommy Brain is not helping. I'm pretty sure I used to be able to hold onto a thought for more than 3 seconds without getting distracted by something shiny...right?

Friday, March 25, 2011

37 Weeks

37 weeks. How time flies! Can't believe our little Peanut is almost here. The past year has been a roller coaster of highs alnd lows that I could never have imagined experiencing.

As the imminent arrival approaches, I want to remember the events, thoughts and feelings as they happen. Tonight, Peanut was SUPER active! Almost from the time I got home from work, lots of wiggling and poking going on. Peanut is head down along the right side, so I'm getting lots of kicks up under my left ribs, with a little butt poking out on the right from time to time. Not sure why tonight was "happy dance" night...but I love it!

Looking forward to Peanut's arrival...and finding out if we need to get pink or blue clothes!