Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well....timing is everything. After losing Phoebe, I knew I still wanted to have kids. And given that I'm not exactly a spring chicken, I knew we couldn't wait forever. Still...getting pregnant so quickly was quite a surprise! It took a little less than a year to get pregnant with Phoebe, so my plan was to start "keeping track" in the fall and see how things went. Surprise! Not so much. We conceived in late July/early August (my best guess is August 2 or 3).

Which brings us back to timing. I would not have chosen to be due in between the time Phoebe was born and when she died a month later. It makes it difficult to not constantly be making connections. When I have baby girl dreams, is that about Peanut or is it about Phoebe?

That's part of what this blog is about for me. I want to remember the details while they're fresh so I'm not trying a year later to pull some coherency out of the jumble of thoughts. And lets' face it, Mommy Brain is not helping. I'm pretty sure I used to be able to hold onto a thought for more than 3 seconds without getting distracted by something shiny...right?

Friday, March 25, 2011

37 Weeks

37 weeks. How time flies! Can't believe our little Peanut is almost here. The past year has been a roller coaster of highs alnd lows that I could never have imagined experiencing.

As the imminent arrival approaches, I want to remember the events, thoughts and feelings as they happen. Tonight, Peanut was SUPER active! Almost from the time I got home from work, lots of wiggling and poking going on. Peanut is head down along the right side, so I'm getting lots of kicks up under my left ribs, with a little butt poking out on the right from time to time. Not sure why tonight was "happy dance" night...but I love it!

Looking forward to Peanut's arrival...and finding out if we need to get pink or blue clothes!